Monday, 10 December 2012

Lucy in the Sky with Sardines

We're moving to a high rise condo.  I mentioned that last time.

 My sister-in-law and brother-in-law are moving into the same building.  To amuse her, I began to write a collection of silly rhymes, most of them limericks but without the requisite bawdy content.  I've decided to record them here. 

The first attempt was not a limerick, just a silly poem. 

There was an old lady who lived in the sky
In 1305, with some family nearby.
The scholars downtown have their own way to fly,
But life in a condo's a new kind of high.
Her truncated space was like a fish can,
With just enough seating for her and her man.
While jostling for space to brew up some dinner,
They saw the sad truth that they'd better get thinner.

The Jutzis have found a new mondo -
A high rise, downtown Guelph condo;
A shifted lifestyle,
And yet they still smile,
Though life will be far above ground-o.

The Jutzis will move to a condo
And turn in their cute little Honda.
They're taking the cure,
Releasing furniture,
And other items they're fonda. 

A sardiness was living in Guelph,
But not in a can on the shelf.
She passed many an hour
In a lofty new tower.
One might  say that she dwelt in a belf...(ry)

There once was a lady on high
In 1305, in the sky.
She left her large home,
Then wrote a short poem,
Pondering the inscutable "why?"

A woman in 1305
Had to relinquish the jive:
While balcony dancing
Her moves were advancing,
And neighbours soon feared she would dive. 

The Jutzis in 1407
Are one storey closer to Heaven.
We're very impressed
With their view of the west,
And The Church of Our Lady, even. 

Life will be small in the Riverhouse heights.
We'll have to console with newfound delights:
We'll bike by the river,
And learn how to quiver
At the thrill of towering sights.

The Jutzis are leaving the 'hood
For the locale where John Galt first stood.
Meanwhile they might wonder
If they've made a blunder.
Will this venture turn out for the good?? 

Here's a new one, added January 19. 

There'll be tears when it's time to leave.
We've 33 years here to grieve. 
The children are gone,
So we must soldier on.
But, for now, we'll enjoy our reprieve. 

And another:

The Jutzis will live by the Speed,
Where life plays a new tune, indeed.
There'll be theatre and shopping,
And TO train-hopping,
To keep us from going to seed. 

Here's a nonsense poem, but not a limerick ....

The Riverhouse looms where the river runs,
Exhorting me to make noxious puns.
The River Run meanwhile's a looming center
Where a hop 'cross the street allows us to enter.
We'll run by the river by the River Run.
We'll stroll and we'll bike in the morning sun.
We'll enter the center in theatrical splendour,
We'll stop for a sip from a fine local vintner.
We'll find a new life when at last we surrender.
We'll carry our old world in memories tender.
The center will center, the river will run,
And we'll learn to define a new kind of fun.